
Sound – Identity – Projection

Investigate the meaning of the human voice, its history in the ancient. Exploring the topic of the voice as an artistic tool and try to translate different conceptual approaches from art and design into vocal sounds.

Reflect upon ideas of the voice as a dualistic performative phenomenon in its simplicity and complexity. Visualize these reflections in form of a performance, reading or vocal research.

Concept: VOICEover transfers our own one-dimensional voices to a visual and somehow tactile form. By snipping, reversing, sampling and tuning our recorded voices we create new sound landscapes which are embodied on a dead but now vital torso. Through an overhead projector, water, colored liquids and movements we tried to visualize the mood and color of the voice. The voice as an aspect of identity. As the voice takes the lead, the visual follows the sound and will be cut according the voice-snippets and not the other way round as normal.

Exhibition & Product: conceptual installation framed in a video 4:30 min.


mit David Schneiter und Matthias Weber

als Student am Masterstudio Design – Integrative Design | HGK | FHNW

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